Call Vic Kasser @ 541-459-5951 or Email!CONTACT US NOW

French Bulldog Stud Contract

Umpqua Valley Kennels LLC (AKA “UVK”)

Victor Kasser, Owner


Date: ____________________

This agreement is made between UVK (the Stud Owner) and the Bitch Owner:

For the stud service (UVK)'s premises between:

Stud: ________________________________________________

Reg. # ______________________________

Bitch: _______________________________________________

Reg. # ______________________________

Expected Date Of Service_____________ Actual Date of Service ______________

Payment Due The Stud Owner (check all that apply)

__ Basic fee for Semen only = $4000.00

__Blood Draws, Progesterone testing (3-4) also collections and Inseminations (3-4), and Vaginal Cytology. = $500.00

__Boarding for duration of testing and breeding - Estimated 15 days @ $10.00 a day = $150.00.

(You must furnish food and any supplements)

__Chilled Semen FedEx Shipment X 2 $_______

TOTAL DUE: $____________

Bitch Owner must pay the stud, testing and estimated boarding fees OR if choosing Chilled Semen option, Basic stud fee and Estimated Shipping at the time this contract is entered into.

The stud and testing fees are non-refundable. If stay is less than or more than the estimated 15 days,

boarding fees will be refunded accordingly.

Stud Owner's (UVK) Representations

1. STUD HEALTH GUARANTEE: Stud Owner (UVK) guarantees that the stud is healthy, potent, and free of

signs and symptoms of disease or congenital defects.

2. CONCEPTION FAILURE: If the bitch fails to conceive, Stud Owner (UVK) will provide a second stud service

at no charge for the bitch provided the Bitch Owner notifies within 7 days after the projected

whelping date. Failure to notify Stud Owner (UVK) constitutes a null and void contract.

A letter from a certified Veterinarian shall be provided to the Stud Owner (UVK)

for proof the bitch is not bred and for records in her file. There is no third breeding.

Breed back option expires in 1 year from date of first breeding.

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3. NUMBER OF PUPS: If the bitch does not whelp at least 2 puppies that live past 10 days,

Stud Owner (UVK) will provide a second stud service provided the Bitch Owner notifies within 14 days of whelping.

Failure to notify Stud Owner (UVK) constitutes a null and void contract. There is no third breeding.

Breed back option expires in 1 year from date of first breeding.

4. GOOD CARE OF BITCH: Stud Owner (UVK) will provide good care of the bitch while at our facility.

The bitch will be boarded in our nursery in comfort, under private internet camera (available 24/7 by Bitch owner) and receive the same care as our other dogs.

5. BREEDING'S: A stud service will consist of two "fresh semen" artificial insemination's.

6. LITTER REGISTRATION: Stud Owner (UVK) will only sign the litter registration application after

all fees and conditions of this agreement are met by Bitch Owner.

7. Both parties agree that if the stud dog dies or is not on the premises for breeding or is being

used by another bitch at the time of repeat breeding the Stud Dog

owner will have the right to breed to another male of their choice.

8. Both parties agree that if the bitch changes ownership the stud service will be null and void.

Bitch Owner's Representations

1. BITCH HEALTH GUARANTEE: Bitch Owner guarantees the bitch is current on all immunizations,

de-worming and free from any diseases and congenital defects.

2. BRUCELLOSIS: Bitch Owner will present to the Stud Owner (UVK) the results of a brucellosis test on the

bitch by a licensed veterinarian approximately one week prior to breeding. If the test is positive, this

contract is void and any monies paid to Stud Owner (UVK) will be returned to Bitch Owner.

A confirmed negative test is necessary for stud service.

3. BREEDING DATE: It's the responsibility of the Bitch Owner to determine the optimum time

for breeding, set an appointment for stud service and get the bitch to the Stud Owner (UVK).

4. PUPPY OWNERS: Bitch Owner will not knowingly sell, give or release any puppy from this

breeding to a pet shop, retail store, puppy mill, dog dealer, animal testing facility, research facility or any agent for these.

5. GENETIC DEFECTS IN LITTER: Bitch Owner will tell Stud Owner (UVK) of any genetic

defects that appear in any puppy from this breeding.

6. PURITY OF LITTER: Bitch Owner will not expose the bitch to any other stud dog or other

intact male dogs before or after the breeding until the bitch has completed her heat cycle.

7. RESPONSIBILITY OF COSTS: Bitch owner is responsible for all transportation

costs of the bitch to and from the Stud Owner's (UVK) premises.

In addition, Bitch Owner is responsible for the cost of veterinary care for the bitch

while she is under the Stud Owner's (UVK) supervision.

8. PAYMENT: Payment must be in the form of cash, cashier's check or

Credit/debit card (onsite only), or paid via

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9. INDEMITY: Bitch Owner agrees that if his or her actions or failure to act result in any claim,

suit, loss, damage, injury, death, or liability, Bitch Owner will defend, indemnify and hold Stud Owner (UVK)

harmless and will pay all of Stud Owner's (UVK) cost and expenses including reasonable attorney fees,

any amount paid in settlement and any award or judgment.

10. RELEASE OF CLAIMS: The Bitch Owner hereby releases from responsibility Stud Owner (UVK)

from any liabilities and/or damage to the bitch while she is in the care of the Stud Owner (UVK).

11. LIMITATION OF ACTIONS: Any action or claim brought by Bitch Owner against Stud Owner (UVK)

for breach of this Contract or for loss due to negligence must be brought within one (1) year

of the date such claim or loss occurs.

12. JURISDICTION: Bitch Owner agrees that he or she understands this contract fully

and that this contract is in the jurisdiction of the State of Oregon,

in the County of Douglas in which the Stud Owner (UVK) resides or does business.

Mediation And Arbitration

Mediation and arbitration lower any potential legal costs for both the Stud Owner (UVK) and the Bitch Owner.

If a dispute arises under this contract, the Stud Owner (UVK) and the Bitch Owner agree to first

try to resolve it with the help of a mutually agreed-upon mediator in the jurisdiction of this contract.

Any costs and fees other than attorney fees associated with the mediation will be shared equally

by both the Stud Owner (UVK) and the Bitch Owner.

If it proves impossible to arrive at a mutually satisfactory solution through mediation, the Stud Owner (UVK)

and the Bitch Owner agree to submit the dispute to a binding arbitration proceeding

located closest to the residence or business location of the Stud Owner (UVK), under the rules of the

American Arbitration Association. Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitration

may be entered in any court with jurisdiction to do so.

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Entire Agreement

This contract represents the entire agreement between the parties. The Stud Owner (UVK) and the Bitch Owner

have made no other agreements, promises, or representations, verbal or implied, unless specifically

stated in this written agreement. The Stud Owner (UVK) and the Bitch Owner to each

receive one copy of this agreement signed by both.

Stud Owner: ____________________________ Date: ________________

Bitch Owner: ____________________________ Date: ________________

Contact Information For Stud Owner (UVK) And Bitch Owner

Stud Owner


Breeder's Name ____VIC AND MARY KASSER

Phone _____541-459-5951

Address____139 UMPQUA VALLEY LN.

City_ DRAIN__ State__OREGON_ Zip ____97435


Bitch Owner

Kennel Name _______________________________________________

Breeder's Name _______________________________________________

Phone ________________________________

Cell Phone ________________________________


City _____________________ State_________ Zip _____________________

E-Mail _______________________________________________

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